Cheng An Hsieh

Incoming Adobe Summer MLE Intern | Ex Intern @ Yahoo | MSECE @ CMU


Machine Learning Engineer & Full-Stack Developer.

I'm pursuing a M.S. degree in Artificial Intelligence Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University, and have completed my M.S. degree in Computer Science and B.S. degree in Engineering Science at National Taiwan University. My research spanned areas in multimodal learning and computer vision. I was advised by Prof. PJ. Cheng, Prof. Janā€Ming Ho, and Prof. Mike Y. Chen. Now I'm the incoming MLE intern at Adobe Lightroom team.

  • Multimodal Learning
  • Computer Vision
  • Front-end Development
  • Game Development
  • MS in ECE @ CMU (US) | 2023-2024
  • MS in CS @ NTU (TW) | 2020-2022
  • MS in Engineering @ NTU (TW) | 2015-2020
